Sunday, June 2, 2013

Uptight Little Shit

Hey! SO
You read the title, awesome right!? No? Anyone?

Well, SPOILER ALERT! This post is about uptight little shits.

I really hate them. My family, full of those little shits. One of the things I hate with a burning hot passion!
Okay, people want me to be myself. Ok! I will gladly do that. I am a weird little fuck that likes awkward things and I talk about the weirdest things. Annnd. I am now going back to my mother fucking sheltered, anti- social life. I have found playing video games, Abusing the internet, ignoring the world, and putting in head phones suits me well. Ever since I have stopped doing that and trying to have a social lifeI felt like I was just alone, not anybody would talk to me Shit! WE HAVE OVER 8 MOTHERFUCKING TORNADOES THIS WEEK! And one person asked if I was okay. Yep, my "family" and "friends" give 0 fucks about me. I really wish I had someone to talk to. I have few internet friends but really I doubt they want to hear my life problems. I can't post anything on FB or anything. Blogging is my outlet. Whether anyone is reading this or not.

But anyways, so yea I am basically being myself. Posting dumb pics, pics with perverted jokes, you know. And someone says "Its not age appropriate for you. It saddens me." Like really bitch? What saddens me is you judge, you don't even know my age, you people bug me with the bible. I mean seriously, it wasnt even bad. Heres the pic

I found this funny, it was something awkward. I mean after all I friend family on FB, I scroll through my Newsfeed to find Naked girls. You dumbasses don't say a word. And they are Trini's, so that means half naked pics of chicks at the festival they were at or something. And all you see is "So much fun!" "Beautiful". Yet I post something like that (The Picture)and all of a sudden I AM MAKING PEOPLE SAD! I AM TEARING THIS FAMILY APART! Like seriously. Uptight people, hate them! They can't take a joke! It annoys me! Like seriously, oh and don't shove your religion down my throat. >.<
Ugh, words can't describe how much I want to hit them in the face with a chair made of steel!!!!!
Okay, so if anyone is reading, haza, raise a wine glass IDK. K, BYE!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Letting My Emotions Run Wild - Part 1

Hey! So

Okay, you read the title. You realize it has a "Part 1" in it. Well this will be a series, a blog series. Whether anyone is reading or not I am doing this. It's good to Let your Emotions Run Wild every now and then. Let them out, they are caged up inside of you. They need out. You need to breathe every now and then. Whether it's telling someone how you feel, or just writing it down and ripping up that note. Either way you are getting it out and it feels good.

So while you are reading this Blog post, Click here, then after this song DO NOT click any really "mainstream" songs. I may seem like a fucking Hipster right now, but it will benifit you. Seriously, just random click. It is worth your while. And this type of music just fits this post, er kind of I guess.
Let me begin :)

Okay, well I have been random clicking all night long. Thats good. Because I am random clicking on good songs. These songs tell a story. Not like your usual "Shawty lets dance all night, party all night" "I want you in bed with me girl oooaa" or "You cheated on me, I knew you were trouble, I should have listened". Idk stuff like that. Well if you clicked on that hot link you would know what I am talking about. When I hear that song or any genre, like that type of music. It makes me think of faith, how good life can be. Having fun, friends, or even love. Sounds cheesy but you would be suprised where you will go if you just close your eyes and listen.
I don't these songs make me feel good, they help me think. They give me ideas, makes me smile, gives me little movies in my head.
The song I am listening to now, all I ask is for you too Click for an adventure, shut your eyes and imagine.
I can't really describe what I think of or how I feel, so let me do my best.
Just imagine as you read this net part while listening to this song

These songs make me feel like I am in my own little world, like I am out in the woods. Say its winter. Its chilly. I am covered up. I have snow falling in my hair, it's on my shoulders. I see deer's, a mother and her child. I am walking. My boots are covered in snow, just stepping in snow, leaving tracks behind. I am just experiencing nature at its most beautiful time. Seeing these animals, its snowing. Snow angels galore. I am just looking around, and I push branches and make my way through bushes too find a cabin. I make my way to the cabin. I am in and it's warm. There is a fire place and a warm bed, a rocking chair. I grab a hot cup of hot chocolate and I take off my coat, I look out of the window. I see the snow falling. Its beautiful.

 Another I imagine a girl in the city. Its night time. Shes on the bus. Its rainy. She sees light and little drops on her windows. Its a truly beautiful scene. She feels alone, yet unique. She feels as if she is the only one there even though she isnt. She writes, she feels inspired. She finds love. She isn't alone! Here is a song to go with this story, or emotions I feel, click  Here!

She finally finds her love she has searched for. I imagine a couple under a blanket, its morning. They are doing romantic things, flirty things. Cuddling kissing and tickling, play fighting. I imagine them with them out with their friends, say a little picnic. Having a fun time. I imagine a people in the woods, girls wearing high wasted shorts, boys wearing tank tops. Just fun stuff. I also imagine a guy chasing after a girl. He just follows her. He never gets a chance to say hi, he tries but there is always something in the way. He is down for a while. He is thinks he wont see her again. But he does. And after the millionth time he finally gets to say hi. They meet, they talk, laugh and giggle. And I just picture them to smiling at each other. Its night and full of people. He wraps his arms around her, and she wraps her arms around him. The go in for the kiss. And all of a sudden it feels like they are the only ones there.....

Idk, thats what I imagine atleast. Tell what you think.

Imagine a world with no music. Thats a person with out a past, emotions.... Magic happens here
I feel like I have something and somebody to live for. A life full of smiles.  Love you guys, thanks for reading and imagining with me. :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Awkward things I like

Hey! SO I decided I would make a random post about awkward things that I hope I am not alone on!
Anywhoozle Lets get crackin!
These are in no specific order by the way. :)

1. When someone says "YOU PEOPLE NEED JESUS IN YOUR LIFE!" Like okay this is a legit convo that happened (Well heres a few)

Okay I was at a party, and a few people were giving each other lap dances. So this group of people are just the tpye that do weird things and talk about them. But soemone was joking about hooking up HENCE JOKING. But anyways after that being said someone goes " YOU PEOPLE NEED SOME JESUS IN YOUR LIFE". It had me rolling. Another time I was at lunch and the boys were talking about dick sizes. And one of them being black, and another Asian. They labeled the Asian one "Hamster Dick". Not even joking. AND RIGHT AFTER THAT, one of the boys holds up a hot dog and says "This is how big your dick is!" (Saying it to the Black one). That was a "YOU PEOPLE NEED SOME JESUS IN YOUR LIFE" Moment. Lol I am a weird gal, I dig weird things and find dick conversations with the class clowns amusing.

2. BOYS IN MOTHER FUCKING BEANIES! I LOVE Beanies myself, but a HOTT boy in a Beanie. GAWD DAMN MY OVERIES EXPLODE! HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT FACED PEOPLE MY WORLD IS GOING ROUND!!!!!! It leaves me going ifubwfvoeubvfvbobefvbefvbfvo HOT BOYS IN BEANIES FTW!!!!

3. Okay I like it when boys dress like this. What? To me it's cute!!!

gonna lie if you have a beanie on your head I might have already fallen for you. And check this out! A MOTHER FUCKING VIDEO GAME CHARACTER THAT ISN'T HAVE BAD! NOR DOES HE DRESS BAD! Like seriously I don't think he looks bad, GAWD DAYUM DEM GRAPHICS! But I think he might be a new little crush of mine! IDK, I might look up gameplays, find out more about this game. It looks interesting, BTW It's Infamous Second Son I am pretty damn sure.

IDK, I might look up the trailer if it is out! So thank you PS magazine! :) If this isn't for Xbox I might get a PS just for this!!!! <3

4. A lot or games I play I start to develop a crush, same with TV shows and movies. Above is a prime example. TUCKER FROM MOTHER FUCKING ANON IS A PRIME EXAMPLE! Lol, I think I might need help. Gawd my life is a fail! This is always how my crushes go

- They don't exist
-Already Taken
-Don't like me
- At first I don't like them, but then I start to fall for them annnd there is his girlfriend. OUT OF MOTHER FUCKING NO WHERE

Lol, something like that.....

5. I like Geeky Glasses, IDK why. But THEY SO CUUUTE!

6. Milkshake and fries. BEST COMBO EVER! Wait? Is that weird or normal? GAWD DAYUM I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH MY LIFE!!?!?!

Okay, if ANYONE is reading this bye! I really like this blogging thing, and if no one is it doesn't matter. Just gives me something to look back on!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Situations you just don't know how to deal with

Hey! SO
I am just going to name a few situations that I PERSONALLY don't know how to deal with.

1. When someone hits on you over the internet, I am flattered yet I am left with a "WTF do I do with this?" question. Seriously, sometimes I can find a response, but uh.... One of the more recent ones was... Let's just say OUT THERE

2. Talking. For ME. Once I say hey or whats up, after that it's down hill. :( I am just so random. I CAN NOT HAVE A NORMAL CONVO! FOR MY FUCKING LIFE.(Cough Cough, boy named Landon may I have you attention) So once I say "Hey" or "Whats up" you better be prepared for "What if the song "Whistle" had no whistling in it!?" and,  "OMG! QUOTATION MARKS INSIDE OF QUOTATION MARKS!! QUOCEPTION!"

You see that!? Fucking weird an random. There is only 1 person in the word that can handle my weird ass convo's. That is my BFF. You will know who this is..."What if the song "Whistle" had no whistling in it!?"
 Yup exact words.

3. When you don't know something, and you are afraid to ask because you don't want to sound like a retard. Ex: In class. Don't understand. You are afraid to ask, because you are afraid people are going to make fun of you: Whatever your reason is. Another Ex: The internet. You don't get something. You are afraid you will be called stupid, judged by your age (Because on the internet everyone it a 9 year old with no life).

I just felt like hey random post, let me throw it at your face.
And I wanted to give you guys another blog post to read, maybe relate, and for the most part to show you I am still alive.

Things like this I want keep going. Gives me something to do, vent, relate with people, you know. :)
Alright my LOVELY Readers I'll keep you posted. Bye

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Sims 4 - What I Think It Should Have and Expactations

Hey! SO

Most of us simmers know that TS4 has been out and it is coming out 2014!

And I guess they are taking our input, like listening to what we have to say. Not too sure, but for fun I want to tell you guys what I want and expect to see in TS4.

- Better graphics, but good graphics a NORMAL persons computer CAN HANDLE. I plan on watching LP'S, so that way I see what it has. If I like then I will get it.

- Better Hair, and Clothes, and furniture options!!!!! Seriously, I tried playing without ANY EP'S or CC. Didn't work out well. I mean am I the only that was disgusted by the base game objects, and CAS stuff? Don't get me wrong, they had some cute things. But over all the choices sucked.

- NATURAL DISASTERS!!! It should have Tornado's, Hurricanes, Earthquakes ETC.

- The toy's should have to have batteries. You know? I figured that would be cute!

- The point of the game is for it too be realistic, yet it has a bit of a cartoon charm. But I figured there should be like gas stations, your sims has to pay for gas, TRAFFIC! IDK that would be cool! Instead of the sims just going BEEP BEEP MOVE FUCKER, and driving through the other cars they should have a bit of traffic to wait on.


- They should have to pay rent. Not like ($$$), but like they pay for - Water, Electric, Rent ETC. You know like people do now.

- When they buy a house it should be like how you really buy a house. Like the checks stuff like that (Can't explain it). I think they should automatically just have apartments. Not in an EP but in the game it's self!

- Real life sicknesses! Make the pregnancy a bit more realistic. Have them be like pushed in a wheel chair when they come out of the hospital. Miscarriages, babies born with a disease.

- More meme's it was cute when they did that with University Life

- And for those of us that are a bit artistic and work with Machinima, maybe a little bit more features? More features, and still easy too use. So that way its still easy for beginners and crafty, artistic Machinima makers.

- Why not even scary ghosts? Like any sim could freak out over it. I think that would be cool

- WASHER AND DRYERS! I don't want to buy an expansion or CC just for my sims to do laundry. Just have in in the game already

- Teen pregnancy! It happens! I am not sick in the head, but I think they should have it in the game. Teen Mom 3 - Sims 4 Edition

- YA can date teens. Like 17 year old dating an 18 year old. NOT 17 dating a 27 year old. But we see it all the time, partners that are like 2 years older than the other in a relationship.

- HEIGHT!!!! OMG LET US ADJUST THE HEIGHT! EA! Make it happen. If you could adjust height in TS4 that would make me go out and buy it.

Those are just a few things. Nothing more Nothing less. There is a longer list but I am just naming thing that came to mind. Now chances are I will be updating this post, so there will be more things on this list.

Monday, May 6, 2013


OMG! TS4! It's OFFICIAL! This is rather exciting for most of us simmers.
I mean we all seen this coming. Recently they have been coming out with so many EP'S! I mean think about it! First Seasons, University Life, and now Island Paradise! I also heard about time travel? Something like that.

But I mean it's awesome. But there is SO much EA needs to address. I mean com' on! For a game this big, with SO many glitches. I have seen INDIE GAMES that function better!

Seriously you guys. EA ticks me off sometimes. Game progress is always lost because my game crashes. So many weird glitches, bugs ETC. It's crazy!

IDK. I am having mixed feeling about this. I just got some new EP'S! AND NOW THEY WANNA ANNOUNCE A NEW GAME. DAMN! This is crazy. IDK I just hope the game doesn't require Internet. I also hope that my computer can handle it. AND they are really strict and serious about these bugs. (Com' on, we all know it will have some. A lot of games do) Because the glitches have driven me away from TS3.

IDK! I am hoping this is gonna be epic. Wonder how the graphics are gonna look. You know? I know graphics aren't EVERYTHING in a game. But still, A GIRL CAN WONDER RIGHT?

I haven't seen or heard much. But I do know for a matter of FACT! Its is coming out 2014.

Heres a couple  pics!
Keep in mind! That its still being worked on. Its like a sloppy copy? IDK. But too be honest. I actually don't like this logo too much.

Thoughts on this? Alright guys! Happy Simming!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Family Heart Brake

Hey! SO

I am really down in the shitter right now. I am missing someone like crazy. Not a boyfriend or anything. (God those posts are annoying). I decided I would just blog about it. Because if I vent on FB there are only two ways this would go. Everyone would ASSUME it's boy trouble or no one would give a flying fuck. I could care less if the gave two shits. I just don't want to put up with "Is it a boy?". Plus I don't really want to tell anyone I know outside of social media.

But anyways I am missing them like crazy. Some family problems happened and now I can't see my own cousin. This girl was like me in so many ways. It was like having a twin. No imagine if one day you were just all fine and dandy. Then BAM! The thing that makes you happy or something you love gets taken away form you. Worst part is is I can't even talk to her. Not on FB, through text NOTHING. (Family Problems)

IDK, I just looked at a few pics of her and started balling. Instantly in tears.
I miss her so much. My cousin was full of life and was so weird. She made me laugh all the time. Some of the best memories I have ever had was with her. It makes me so sad. I remember when she came down to visit. When she left it was sad. Really sad.

Same thing when we went to visit them. When we left, everyone was in tears. Hugh.
Words can't even describe how much this hurts.
I am more of a family type of gal, so this sucks even more. I would rather hang out with family than friends.
Hugh depressed Kenzie mode ACTIVATED