Thursday, May 23, 2013

Awkward things I like

Hey! SO I decided I would make a random post about awkward things that I hope I am not alone on!
Anywhoozle Lets get crackin!
These are in no specific order by the way. :)

1. When someone says "YOU PEOPLE NEED JESUS IN YOUR LIFE!" Like okay this is a legit convo that happened (Well heres a few)

Okay I was at a party, and a few people were giving each other lap dances. So this group of people are just the tpye that do weird things and talk about them. But soemone was joking about hooking up HENCE JOKING. But anyways after that being said someone goes " YOU PEOPLE NEED SOME JESUS IN YOUR LIFE". It had me rolling. Another time I was at lunch and the boys were talking about dick sizes. And one of them being black, and another Asian. They labeled the Asian one "Hamster Dick". Not even joking. AND RIGHT AFTER THAT, one of the boys holds up a hot dog and says "This is how big your dick is!" (Saying it to the Black one). That was a "YOU PEOPLE NEED SOME JESUS IN YOUR LIFE" Moment. Lol I am a weird gal, I dig weird things and find dick conversations with the class clowns amusing.

2. BOYS IN MOTHER FUCKING BEANIES! I LOVE Beanies myself, but a HOTT boy in a Beanie. GAWD DAMN MY OVERIES EXPLODE! HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT FACED PEOPLE MY WORLD IS GOING ROUND!!!!!! It leaves me going ifubwfvoeubvfvbobefvbefvbfvo HOT BOYS IN BEANIES FTW!!!!

3. Okay I like it when boys dress like this. What? To me it's cute!!!

gonna lie if you have a beanie on your head I might have already fallen for you. And check this out! A MOTHER FUCKING VIDEO GAME CHARACTER THAT ISN'T HAVE BAD! NOR DOES HE DRESS BAD! Like seriously I don't think he looks bad, GAWD DAYUM DEM GRAPHICS! But I think he might be a new little crush of mine! IDK, I might look up gameplays, find out more about this game. It looks interesting, BTW It's Infamous Second Son I am pretty damn sure.

IDK, I might look up the trailer if it is out! So thank you PS magazine! :) If this isn't for Xbox I might get a PS just for this!!!! <3

4. A lot or games I play I start to develop a crush, same with TV shows and movies. Above is a prime example. TUCKER FROM MOTHER FUCKING ANON IS A PRIME EXAMPLE! Lol, I think I might need help. Gawd my life is a fail! This is always how my crushes go

- They don't exist
-Already Taken
-Don't like me
- At first I don't like them, but then I start to fall for them annnd there is his girlfriend. OUT OF MOTHER FUCKING NO WHERE

Lol, something like that.....

5. I like Geeky Glasses, IDK why. But THEY SO CUUUTE!

6. Milkshake and fries. BEST COMBO EVER! Wait? Is that weird or normal? GAWD DAYUM I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH MY LIFE!!?!?!

Okay, if ANYONE is reading this bye! I really like this blogging thing, and if no one is it doesn't matter. Just gives me something to look back on!

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