Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What a BRAT! (1)

Hey! SO like I said in my first post, I am gonna vent. I am about to do just that!

There is a girl that gets RIGHT UNDER MY SKIN!
My sister. You maybe going "Ah, siblings." or "Brothers and Sisters. Annoying we know."

 But she has this ATTITUDE! The attitude you DON'T want! She is always starting something. She wines ALL THE TIME. She has this tone and pitch in her voice that I hate. She wines so much I have started to hate her voice. Like she can't even ask for something without attitude and wining. She is always calling people idiot or something, telling people to shut up. I hate her. She is FUCKING 10 YEARS OLD!

So my mom told me to get everyone up for school. I hate doing that. I am always getting kicked or slapped and yelled at by the bitch. She is annoying and hard to get up!

So anyways I went to wake her up, I did it nicely. Seriously. I did it extremely nice this morning. Usually I am just like "GET THE FUCK UP!!" Because I don't want to spend + 10 mins. every morning getting them up.

But anyways I decided I would try to be as nice as possible waking them up.

I argued with the bitch 10 minutes this morning! So I changed my voice to some weird pitch, and said (while I was doing this I decided to poke her, wake her up as annoying as possible.She does it to me so why not give her her own medicine.)"Geeeettt up! Geeeeetttt up! Com'on! It will be all sunshine and rainbows,and kittens GALORE! Coooooooom' on!" Adn by every minute I just got more and more annoying.

She wants too kick, slap and yell at you. So you know what? I will just be annoying when I wake her up. More effective and irritating any way.

So earlier today I I was listening to music, on FB and folding laundry. I had this big tout of clothes to fold. I got it done. But she was wining and saying I did nothing, while she was "working". Sure this may sound pathetic but seriously, once you see and know the way she acts you'll know why I am ticked.

I took a nap to today. Woke up with a headache because she didn't want to clean her room. Her and my 8 year old sister were fighting. Woke me up..... >:( Now if you wake me up you will die. If you wake me up with a headache your death is going to be slow and painful. You will also have to put up with me.

But anyways, today she was being such a brat. (Like usual). But I am so sick of dealing with her and her B.S.!!!!!! I mean the bitch wants to start a fight, then not finish it. She wants to give you attitude then when you start to say something she will wine, and tell you to shut up. Its horrible. So today I went off on her!
I chewed her out.

I know it's not hormones, I mean I am older and I don't even act like that!

But everyone has been sick of her shit. EVERYONE went off on her.

There is a lot to post but right now I am not angry so I figure why not save the rest til' next time?

Alright my lovely readers. Bye bye!

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