Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Top 7 Things I hate About Being A Girl

Hey! SO I wanted to name the Top 7 Things I hate about being a Girl! Title says it all.

Being a girl has it's pro's and con's and I am sure being a boy is the same way.

WARNING! ! ! !
 If you are a boy and can't handle girly problems STOP reading. :)

7. I HATE shaving! It takes so long! Especially if you have long legs like me. It is tiring. I mean a day after shaving the hair is growing back so you have to shave like 2 times a week!!

6. Okay it would have to be period. I haven't had mine yet (thank god). But people tell me it sucks, I believe them. I am close to starting though. :(

5. HORMONES, HORMONES, HORMONES! You are fucking emotional, it seems like your life is a mess IT SUCKS! I'm sure this happens to boys.

4. I would have to say being heart broken or something. Girls are different the boys (No shit). But we are WAY more emotional, our hearts are fragile. We break easier. I mean god damn! Sometimes me might even look like Chris Crocker. (Hope I spelt that right :P). Instead of LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE! Its LEAVE MY HEART ALONE! We all handle things differently, but my point is we are a trunk of emotions.

3. Girls make themselves feel like complete and total %$#@! We find something wrong with ourselves and pick and pick and pick until we drive ourselves crazy. We point out our own flaws, we are slowly damaging and lowering our self esteem as we speak. Admit it. Sometimes you have a bad day or something, and you blame yourself and just kick yourself over EVERYTHING. We have all done it at least once.

2. Society today is complete @^#$. Especially when it comes to girls. They expect us to look like we just stepped out of a magazine. I wouldn't mind looking like that but com' on! We have to get our hair done, make up done. They expect us to look PERFECT. Mean while all boys have to do is put on their clothes and brush their teeth. It is foolish.

1. Girls, A LOT of girls are little shits! Spoiled, mean, rude, down right ridiculous!!! I believe some girls were PERSONALLY sent from hell just to torture our poor innocent souls! A lot of them are backstabbers and shit talkers. Read my post "True Friends, and Fake "Friends"" and basically that post summons up #4.

These are in no specific order, they are just things I hate about other girls, and being a girl.

:) Hope you enjoyed!

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