Monday, April 29, 2013

True Friends, and Fake "Friends".

Hey there. SO today I wanted to talk about "Friends".
There are two types of friends.
Backstabber - Don't want
Actual Friend - Do want
Now I have had my fair share of having "Friends" that turn out to be backstabbers.

As you get older and venture through life you will eventually deal with more than a handful.
They are EXTREMELY annoying. They are your "friend" until you do something they don't like. They are going to make up rumors about you, turn everyone against you, you name it they will try to conquer you. Why do they do that? No one really knows. Most of the time it's jealousy, or maybe problems at home.

When I was in 5th grade I wasn't the dating type, I'm still not. But I went out with 2 boys that year. Never did ANYTHING. If you consider talking "action" then I had a lot of "action". So near Christmas my boyfriend got me a ring.

If you are reading this thank you.
 Anyways, some girls were jealous. And the dumb sluts of the school decided they would call me things like- Bitch, Whore, Slut, Buck teeth (Weird I don't have any but ok! ^_^) and a bunch of other things.
My boyfriend broke up with me because he thought that he caused this. I could care less about the whole thing. ( Not the break up, but it didn't really get to me that much).
I literally blew the whole thing off. I just went "Okay, awesome". Things like that don't get to me. I went on. They are just jealy of my E P I C N E S S.

So girls fuck them.  IF anyone ever tries to tell you you're a bitch, whore, slut, or you're not beautiful. Fuck THEM. Pay no mind. Just go with it. Laugh as they fall while you're rising.  As you're rising, they will kiss your ass. Still pay no mind. They weren't there for you. They aren't sorry. They are fake. Faker than Nicki Minaj's silicone boobies. Give no fucks, ABSOLUTELY 0 FUCKS!

Personally I would rather have 1 good friend than a bunch of fake "friends".

Friends are there for you NO MATTER WHAT. You know they aren't your real friend when you don't fight. Now I don't mean fight all the time, but every now and then. True friends have their ups and downs together.
True friends are what you want in life.
Especially B E S T friends. <3
Best friends are like family. They eventually end up feeling like a sibling. But the sibling you always wanted.

I have a best friend now. She is my PIC. When I type this sentence you will know who you are.
Our convo's are so kickass. *Throws dictionary at your face.

I have many good friends. Back in 2007 -2008 that was probably the best years in my life. I had tons of BFF's.
Thank you Izzy, Harley, Emily, Sarah, Monique, and the rest of you. <3

If you looked up "True Friends" they would most likely pop up.

I have lost many Best Friends.Due to moving, or simply because I don't want to hang around people that are having sex, smoking, smoking any weed, drinking. Com' the fuck on. You aren't a bad ass because you fucking smoke, or give BJ's WTF is wrong with you?

But during 5th grade I had a best friend. Always hung out with her. She was awesome. I wonder if you thought the same about me. :/ But I moved, we were friends over FB. but that was it. Even though I love you with all my heart as a friend, I don't want to end up in the shitter with you. You are a moving train wreck waiting to happen. I'm sorry but it's true. I have no interest in being a "bad ass". But one of the people that understood me more was Megan. She was kind of like me. Goody Goody, had no interest in that crap. She was FABULOUS!
So Megan if you are reading this, thank you so much for being everything a person wants in a friend.

Hope we could still hang out.
Ok well people, remember the difference between Fake "Friends", and True Friends.
Haters gonna hate!
And remember kids, Fucks given : 0

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