Monday, April 29, 2013


O M G Z Z Z Z ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Okay I have found like my new fav song!

I keep on putting it on repeat.

Heres the song
New favorite right here

Okay so I am EXTREMELY lazy. I think if it was a sport I would actually win.

So you are probably going "Do you have ADHD or something?" OR " How the hell did you just go from favorite songs to laziness could be a sport."

Well I will tell you. So you know how you are addicted to a song. You play it on YouTube. THERE IS NO AUTO-REPEAT BUTTON! Thats an issue! I am a lazy little shit and I don't want to hit that replay button every 3 mins.

But don't worry because I have been going Here.
It automatically replays it. I thought that might be a bit helpful. Cause com' on, how many times have be been addicted to a song and we play it OVER, AND OVER, AND OVER again. It gets tiring hitting the replay button.
I like to play TS3 or any other game while blaring music in my ears and I don't want to exit or close out of my game....
Music wise heres something to live by - "If your ears aren't bleeding, it's not loud enough"
Random quote........

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